
This forum is to discuss on general topics in Scilab

Printing double precision numbers

Hello All,
This should be really easy and I'm amazed that I have to send out this query.
I'm reading double precision numbers from a file, processing them and writing the results out in double precision. The precision is important because one column of this data is a time stamp.

The following code fragment reads in the time stamp and amplitude and prints it correctly on the console:
For clarity the input and output files have already been opened.
while (meof(inpf) == 0)
inline = mgetl(inpf,1);
if (meof(inpf) == 0)
[numargs, time, ampl] = msscanf(inline,'%lg,%lg');

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How to join results from different files?

Hello everyone!

I have a following problem:

I have a program that runs a 5 second long simulation. it saves results every 0.025 seconds.

The problem is, that results are saved in separated files. That means 200 different *.sav files. Can anyone, please, help me with a piece of code, that would help me join these files? So that I would load all the files and then I would write (join) all the results in joint file? So that under the first result, there would come the second and then third etc...

Thanks :),



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Scilab Newbies, Installing Image Processing Toolboxes

Hi..I'm new to both Linux and Scilab. Currently, Installed them on my pc.
 These're what I did:

1)Install Linux Ubuntu

2) Download Scilab-5.3.3, ANN Toolbox, SIVP Toolbox, SIP Toolbox, ImageMagick-6.7.4 in .tar and .tar.gz files

3) Put all the downloaded .tar and .tar.gz files into a parent folder, place the parent folder on the Desktop(to make it easy for me to find)

4) Use cmd to unpack and install scilab. I did not specify path, but merely used these commands :

tar xvfz scilab-5.3.3.tar.gz

cd scilab-5.3.3

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Data fitting optimization problem


Hello Everyone

I am new here, i had a question regarding linpro function or karmarkar, i noticed first that linpro is obsolete.

Now the reason i am here, is to seek assistance with this problem

suppose you want to fit the data set { tau(t); I(t); B(t)} available in the workspace, with the model

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Troubles with zerocrossings

I've been trying to find the zerocrossings for some of my data. It all works well when I do the examples but when i use my own data it turns out like this:


accy  =

        column 1 to 6

! 2.9037828   4.237953   4.473395   4.0025115   0.23544185   -3.2177052  !

        column  7 to 10

! -2.1189766   -2.2759378   -0.23544185   0.15696123  !

-->k = find( accy(1:$-1).*accy(2:$) < 0 )
                                !--error 144
Undefined operation for the given operands.

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Help with program

Hi one of my codes got disapproved on the basis - 'undefined variable:model error' . This problem contains a graph which i plotted but is not being displayed correctly unless the axis properties are set to location 'origin'.Can someone explain what exactly is meant by model error and how we set the axis position to origin within the program itself?Thanks in advance.

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Using JavaSci, I am not getting the plot window e.g. sci.exec("x=0:%pi/10:%pi;"); sci.exec("y=sin(x);"); sci.exec("plot2d(x,y)"); -here it should show the plot window. isn't? Can anybody help me here?

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how to read data form excel sheet

Dear all,

I am new to scilab. how to read data from excel sheet. My data contains 10 rows and 8 coloumns. 

In matlab this is the syntax:

train_path=xlsread('C:\Users\saikiran\Documents\MATLAB\SVM LATEST\finaltrain4.xlsx','sheet2','a1:i32');


Please tell me the syntax for the same in scilab. I am struck here.

Thanks in Advance..


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