Scilab Newbies, Installing Image Processing Toolboxes

Hi..I'm new to both Linux and Scilab. Currently, Installed them on my pc.
 These're what I did:

1)Install Linux Ubuntu

2) Download Scilab-5.3.3, ANN Toolbox, SIVP Toolbox, SIP Toolbox, ImageMagick-6.7.4 in .tar and .tar.gz files

3) Put all the downloaded .tar and .tar.gz files into a parent folder, place the parent folder on the Desktop(to make it easy for me to find)

4) Use cmd to unpack and install scilab. I did not specify path, but merely used these commands :

tar xvfz scilab-5.3.3.tar.gz

cd scilab-5.3.3



Now, I'm able to open Scilab.


5) Unpack and install other toolboxes .tar files. using these commands :

tar xvfz <downloadedpkg.tar>r

cd <unpackedpkgfolder>



sudo make install

6) PROBLEM !!!

--> I tried to install sip toolbox, but get the error where it says "there is no scilab found in your path"
   1) How do i configure the path? 
   2) What is my current path?
   3) where does the installed binary go when i type these commands (just an example)? :

        sudo apt-get install libtool

       AND where does it go when i type these? :

      sudo make install

   4) What do I do next in order to get all my toobox working?

PLEASE SOMEBODY...I know there're experts out there..

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