Members who successfully finish the STC review as per the specified procedure will be awarded an honorarium of ₹ 3000/- for each book.
- In addition to the above mentioned honorarium, a reviewer will receive a bonus of ₹ 1000/- if the number of reviews for an STC is more than two.*
- A reviewer will also receive a bonus of ₹ 500/- for each subsequent reviews (review 3 and review 4) if the STC is found to be bug free (determined over a period of 2 months).
Determining an STC as bug free:
- The verified codes will be published on our portal and will be validated/checked for bugs.
- In case one or more bugs are reported for the verified codes, the STC reviewer will not be eligible for a bonus of ₹ 1000/-.
Terms and Conditions:
- Lack of regularity on your part may force us to cancel your membership and the book will be allotted to other reviewers.
On completion of a review, you are required to send the duly filled Mentorship Forms.
Your membership as a reviewer might also be cancelled if the quality of the review is not upto the standards.
For any further queries or assistance, please contact us at: textbook (at) scilab (dot) in.