Assignment Problem

Assignment Problem

The public works department of a region has issued contracts for five new projects. Each of the three contractors who have shown interest in the projects has submitted bids for those projects. The bids given by contactors are as given below:

 Project 1Project 2Project 3Project 4Project 5
Contractor 120-10915
Contractor 2181213816
Contractor 3-11127 17

The resource requirement of the contractors for each projects and the total resources available with them are as given below:

 Project 1Project 2Project 3Project 4Project 5Available Resources
Contractor 170-403050120
Contractor 26545403555100
Contractor 3-453540 5070

The objective of the contractors is to minimize the total cost.

Mathematical Formulation:


Subjected to:

Resource Constraint:

Each project can be completed by only one contractor:

nProjects = 5; 
nContractors = 3; 
bids = [20 10000 10 9 15;18 12 13 8 16; 10000 11 12 7 17]; 
reqResource = [70 10000 40 30 50;65 40 40 35 55; 10000 45 35 40 50]; 
availResource = [120; 100; 70];

nVar = nProjects*nContractors; // Calculated the dimension of the problem
IntCon = 1:nVar; // Indicating the integer variables
lb = zeros(1,nVar);
ub = ones(1,nVar);

// Linear constraints
// Linear equality constraints

beq = ones(nProjects,1);
for i = 1:nProjects
    Aeq(i,i:nProjects:nVar) = 1;

// Linear inequality constraints
b = availResource;
for j = 1:nContractors
    index = (j-1)*nProjects+1:j*nProjects;
    A(j,index) = reqResource(j,:);    

// Objective function
for j = 1:nContractors
    index = (j-1)*nProjects+1:j*nProjects;
    Cost(index,1) = bids(j,:)';

options = list("time_limit", 2500);
[xopt,fopt,status,output] = symphonymat(Cost,IntCon,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,options);

// Result representation

for j = 1:nContractors
    index = (j-1)*nProjects+1:j*nProjects;
    Contractor(j).Project = string(find(xopt(index)==1));
ResolurceUtilized = ((A*xopt)./b)*100;

for j = 1:nContractors
    disp(strcat(["Projects assigned to contractor",string(j)," : ", Contractor(j).Project],' '));
    disp(strcat(["Resource utilized by contractor ",string(j)," : ",string(ResolurceUtilized(j)),"%"]));
disp(strcat(["Total cost : ",string(fopt)]))

Expected Output:

Note: Time limit has been set to 2500.00.

An optimal solution has been found.
   Iterations: 1
 Projects assigned to contractor 1  :  3 5   
 Resource utilized by contractor 1 : 75%   
 Projects assigned to contractor 2  :  1 4   
 Resource utilized by contractor 2 : 100%   
 Projects assigned to contractor 3  :  2   
 Resource utilized by contractor 3 : 64.286%   
 Total cost : 62