A new blog for Digital Image processing in SCILAB
Posted by mullayilkannan on Monday, 9 April 2012
Scilab is very powerful for digital image processing. The toolboxes SIP and SIVP add this power to SCILAB.But sadly this aspect of scilab is not used in many places. Many buy propitiatory software or use pirated copies. Also it is needed to add more routines for image processing in SCILAB. With these aims A blog has been started. http://www.scilabimge.blogspot.com Please feel free to comment and post your ideas in this blog. Kannan Balakrishnan
Rajesh Raut
Mon, 08/13/2012 - 17:51
Scilab version on MacOS
I want to install Scilab and SIVP toolbox on MacOS 10.7.3. Please tell me which version of scilab (scilab 5.3.0 OR scilab 5.3.3) I should install?
Sun, 04/07/2013 - 18:58
Scilab version on MacOS
Dear Rajesh Raut,
I do not know,But if you help us we will all know.
I have not experimented with SCILAB on MAC OS. But from the documentation it is clear that it is supported on intel platforms only. Also you will have to try both and get at a conclusion. First try for 5.3.0 and the information you provide will be usefull to the community.