exec('/Sites/CLOUD/scilab/scilab-scimax-2.1.4/loader.sce'); !--error 241 File "/Sites/CLOUD/scilab/scilab-scimax-2.1.4/loader.sce" does not exist. at line 5 of exec file called by : fm3qN2IaUGw4PoBRv5iT4tvNH0U1tA.sci", 2)
Reply Sent By vineeta.p:
Hi, This error is because the Scimax is not installed on Scilab on cloud. You can install it on local Scilab and try to execute the code.
It doesn't execute but is does no say anything
Reply Sent By vineeta.p:
Hi, The example is working absolutely fine at our end. Maybe you were trying to execute it on the old scilab on cloud. Please try it again on this link https://cloud.scilab.in/ Select the Category as Aeronautical Engineering/ Aerospace Engineering..., subcategory as Applied Mechanics, then select the same book, chapter, and example. Click on execute after the example is loaded, you shall get the output.
the output is showing blank page
Reply Sent By vineeta.p:
Hi, We executed the code at our end, we have got the output. Maybe there was some server issue when you executed the code. Please check again.
showing executing only
Reply Sent By vineeta.p:
Hi, The example is executed on the old cloud website. Please execute this example on https://cloud.scilab.in/ by selecting the following options from the drop-down: Main category: Chemical Engineering Sub-category: Thermodynamics, then book, chapter, and the example. The example is working fine.
Reply Sent By vineeta.p:
Hi, The example is executed on the old cloud website. Please execute this example on https://cloud.scilab.in/ by selecting the following options from the drop-down: Main category: Electrical Engineering/Electrical & Electronics Engineering/Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering/Instrumentation & Control Engineering Sub-category: Signal Processing/DSP then book, chapter, and example. The example is working fine.
Test comment from https://cloud.scilab.in
Reply Sent By vineeta.p:
test reply
Reply Sent By Abhinav Dronamraju:
Dear Sankalp, I see that all the queries raised by you doesn't have relevant comments. Please write some relevant comments which explain a little more about what the problem is. That would help us address your queries much faster.
Reply Sent By Abhinav Dronamraju:
Could you please explain what is the problem clearly ? As far as I see everything seems to work properly to me.
code for the problem did not appear not able to execute in Analog and Digital Communication(Sharma) chapter 5 & problem 5.1
Reply Sent By Abhinav Dronamraju:
Thanks for finding out the bug and letting us know. We'll try to rectify the problem as soon as possible.
Reply Sent By Abhinav Dronamraju:
Could you please explain what is the problem clearly ? As far as I see everything seems to work properly to me.
Reply Sent By shamikam:
At the moment, Scilab cloud does not support execution of dependency files. Please download the example from the 'Download Example' link available in the top right hand corner. You will be able to execute the code without any errors.
Category: Chemical Engineering Book: 21. Stoichiometry and Process Calculations (K.V. Narayanan and B. Lakshmikutty) Issue: Only Chapter 7 with one example is available in the cloud version whereas there are 11 chapters that are available in the TBC zip file version.
Reply Sent By vineeta.p:
We had deactivated few chapters and examples due to errors we are in process to resolving it. Once the issues are resolved we shall upload all the missing chapters and examples
stdev for standard deviation
Reply Sent By Abhinav Dronamraju:
Your comment is not clear, it would be helpful if you could be more specific. As far as the code is concerned, it works perfectly well according to the Bell Curve Rule.
stdev for standard deviation
Reply Sent By Abhinav Dronamraju:
Could you be more specific as to what the exact problem is in your comment. It would help us rectify the mistake, if any.
repeated code as 11.4a
Reply Sent By vineeta.p:
We shall look at the textbook and verify the code. Thanks for your inputs
(170-167)/4.5 = .8889 and 2*P(Z<0.8889)-1 = .6259
Reply Sent By shamikam:
This seems to be an issue with the textbook and not Scilab Cloud. We will resolve this when we do the quality check of the textbook code.
Reply Sent By shamikam:
You need to execute the code on your local machine. The code is dependent on 522.sci. Please download the entire example along with dependency file and then execute it. At the moment, Scilab on Cloud does not support dependency files.
if syms toolbox is not install code will not work. How to install it pls send the link
Reply Sent By shamikam:
Please follow the instructions given here- http://www.scilab.in/scilab-symbolic-toolbox
very bad yaar
Reply Sent By shamikam:
The code executes properly on cloud. Please try again.
values are not displayed Showing error message and number
Reply Sent By shamikam:
There is no value to be displayed. All the lines are comments. This is usually the case when Scilab can't be used to code an example.
the numbers are 201 ,203, 205 for any type of values
Reply Sent By shamikam:
The numbers are 21, 23 and 25. The comment stipulates the sum of the 3 odd consecutive numbers have to be 89. Only these three odd numbers satisfy the condition. The code is correct.
god bless u
Reply Sent By John G.:
"clear all" used to work on older version of Scilab but 'all' has become redundant now in the new version. These books were coded using older versions of Scilab.Hence, In your case Scilab receives "all" as a variable and cannot find it during execution and gives "!--error 4 Undefined variable: all " error. Please remove 'all' from the code and then execute the it.
Category Computer Programming, Book 3 Progamming in Ansi C, Chapter 9 USer Defined Functions, Example 1cs Case Study 1. At the execution generates an error that it is expecting an scalar
Reply Sent By shamikam:
This code will not run on the Cloud as it requires user input. You can edit the code to specify values for the variables- start_point, end_point and numtraps. The code will work then.
Reply Sent By shamikam:
The code seems to work fine.
What is this.....
Reply Sent By shamikam:
dft function has become obsolete. Please use FFT Scilab function.
wrong o/p
Reply Sent By shamikam:
What is wrong? Four values are displayed. Please be more specific in your comment.
Giving wrong multiplication Ex:5×5=55
Reply Sent By shamikam:
Which book is this?
Giving wrong multiplication
Reply Sent By shamikam:
No valid information is given.
the sum answer is (10. - 2. + 2.i - 2. - 2. - 2.i) but we get the answer is (10. - 2. + 2.i - 2. - 9.797D-16i - 2. - 2.i)
Reply Sent By vineeta.p:
We are getting a completely different answer on the cloud. Are you sure you have posted the comment for the correct example?
!--error 999
Reply Sent By shamikam:
Scilab Cloud does not support dependency files at the moment. You can execute the code on your local system by changing the path of the image being read.
undefined variable dft
Reply Sent By shamikam:
dft is a legacy function that existed in Scilab 5.3.3. dft does not exist in Scilab 5.5 onwards. As the Scilab version has been updated on the Cloud server, dft does not work any more. This is a temporary solution for the example to work on your local machine. Please see the examples given on this page- https://help.scilab.org/docs/6.0.0/en_US/fft.html The code for dft is given. Save the code on your local machine and execute the TBC example. We will sort out this issue on Cloud shortly.
3d plot of this example does not seem to work. I got this book when I did a code search on "plot3d".
Reply Sent By shamikam:
We are not able to set graphics option over the Cloud. Comment the line set(gca(),"auto_clear","off") Change the for loop from 'for i=1:35' to for i=1:16
X axis shifted in output
Reply Sent By shamikam:
Please comment the line a.x_location = "middle"; It should work fine after that.
Error Code 502 Bad gateway is showing
Reply Sent By vineeta.p:
We are able to execute it properly.
Miss examples
Reply Sent By vineeta.p:
We are able to execute it properly.
Command chart does not work
Reply Sent By vineeta.p:
Chart is not an in-built Scilab function. It is a user defined function. We are working on getting dependency files working on Scilab cloud.
i am unable to use wavread function to read an audio file. Please tell me how can i use this function.
Reply Sent By shamikam:
Please read the documentation here- https://help.scilab.org/docs/5.5.2/en_US/wavread.html
Reply Sent By Lavitha:
Please provide the details of the error. The example worked fine when executed to check this bug.
please give correct examples
Reply Sent By shamikam:
We are able to execute it properly.
It gives error "Bad Gateway .."
Reply Sent By Lavitha:
imread requires SIP toolbox which is not installed in the cloud server. We are working on this.
for INVERSE LAPLACE TRANSFORM syms t s !--error 4 Undefined variable: syms at line 6 of exec file called by :
Reply Sent By shamikam:
syms requires Maxima toolbox. We will get it working soon on the Cloud server.
for UNIT STEP RESPONSE !--error 10000 norm not defined for type "p" .Check argument or define function %p_norm at line 115 of function norm called by : at line 27 of function convol called by : y=convol(x,h); at line 15 of exec file called by :
Reply Sent By shamikam:
I checked the code. It works fine.
for Z-TRANSFORM example syms z n; !--error 4 Undefined variable: syms at line 3 of exec file called by :
Reply Sent By shamikam:
syms requires Maxima toolbox. We will get it working soon on the Cloud server.
for Fourier transform - SYSTEM FUNCTION example syms t; !--error 4 Undefined variable: syms at line 4 of exec file called by :
Reply Sent By shamikam:
syms requires Maxima toolbox. We will get it working soon on the Cloud server.
for Fourier transform example syms jw t; !--error 4 Undefined variable: syms at line 4 of exec file called by :
Reply Sent By shamikam:
syms requires Maxima toolbox. We will get it working soon on the Cloud server.
for laplace transform example syms t !--error 4 Undefined variable: syms at line 5 of exec file called by :
Reply Sent By shamikam:
syms requires Maxima toolbox. We will get it working soon on the Cloud server.
First of all offline scilab doesnot take syms why?? And this online one is not taking symsum
Reply Sent By Lavitha:
To use syms, one needs maxima toolbox. This currently not available on the cloud version. We are working on this.
inconsistant error on line 28
Reply Sent By Lavitha:
Hi, size(x)=[10,1] size(n)=[1,10] size(w)=[1,501] Due to the inconsistency in the sizes, the matrices cannot be multiplied. Also, element wise multiplication operator (.) should be used. Change the value of K to 9 i.e. K=9 Change the following line X_W = x * exp(-sqrt(-1)*n'*w); to X_W = x* exp(-sqrt(-1).*n.*w) It should work now.
error 4
Reply Sent By bhavani.jalkrish:
The code is either incomplete or relies on dependency files which is not getting loaded and thus the following error.
Reply Sent By bhavani.jalkrish:
imread requires SIP toolbox which is not installed in the cloud server. We are working on this.
Shows an undefined variable error
Reply Sent By bhavani.jalkrish:
Please change the 14 line to the following and execute. H_LPF = horner(H,(2/T)*((z-1)/(z+1)));
syntactical error symsum
Reply Sent By bhavani.jalkrish:
To use syms, one needs maxima toolbox, this hinders the execution. We are currently working on it on the cloud version.
i want it by mail
Reply Sent By bhavani.jalkrish:
To use syms, one needs maxima toolbox. This currently not available on the cloud version. We are working on this.
502 Bad Gateway
Reply Sent By bhavani.jalkrish:
Please try executing the code again, as it works fine on our end.
502 Bad Gateway
Reply Sent By bhavani.jalkrish:
Please try executing the code again, as it works fine on our end.
the function imread is not working in scilab
Reply Sent By bhavani.jalkrish:
To use imread, one needs SIP toolbox. this therefore hinders the execution.
with graph exampals give us
Reply Sent By bhavani.jalkrish:
I don't understand your query. To use syms, one needs maxima toolbox, this hinders the execution
the code can not be executed, Bad Gateway
Reply Sent By bhavani.jalkrish:
Please try executing the code again. The code runs perfectly on our side.
502 Bad Gateway
Reply Sent By bhavani.jalkrish:
Please try executing the code again. The code runs perfectly on our side.
Its showing a lot of messages.
Reply Sent By bhavani.jalkrish:
The code works well on local machine. The error could be due to version control or excessive memory usage.
Label.sci not exist
Reply Sent By bhavani.jalkrish:
The code is available, try clicking on an other example and then come back to 5.2. Please note that the code is not working as it requires dependency files. We are currently working on it.
The program is not running due to version incompatibility
Reply Sent:
The program is not running due to version incompatibility
Something went wrong,Please re-run/report it as a bug
Reply Sent:
The code runs well on the local machine. We will look in to why it is not executable on cloud.
processing time is higher then expected with a 512MB RAM and medium CPU. Can optimize on that
Reply Sent:
We will work on it.
please send the excutable code
Reply Sent:
The code is executing fine. Please remove "clear all;" and "clc;" and try executing the code.
please send the excutable code
Reply Sent:
The code is executing fine. Please remove "clear all;" and "clc;" and try executing the code.
please send the excutable code
Reply Sent:
The code is executing fine. Please remove "clear all;" and "clc;" and try executing the code.
In this book, problem statements are given. These should be removed. Also, no figures are drawn. I want this book to be reviewed, first an admin check and if required, by an expert.
Reply Sent:
it takes more time for executing progrmme
Reply Sent:
works while executing in the local machine. This be due to memory problem in the cloud
No output.
Reply Sent:
The programme executes fine on our end.
Code is not getting run time input. kindly check
Reply Sent:
The error maybe due to insufficient memory. The code will work fine in the local machine.
Code is not getting run time input. kindly check
Reply Sent:
The error maybe due to insufficient memory. The code will work fine in the local machine.
Reply Sent:
The code is working fine from our end.
not working
Reply Sent:
The code is working fine on our end. Please try again
inconsistent multiplication !!
Reply Sent:
Hi, size(x)=[10,1] size(n)=[1,10] size(w)=[1,501] Due to the inconsistency in the sizes, the matrices cannot be multiplied. Also, element wise multiplication operator (.) should be used. Change the value of K to 9 i.e. K=9 Change the following line X_W = x * exp(-sqrt(-1)*n'*w); to X_W = x* exp(-sqrt(-1).*n.*w) It should work now.
fatal error.!!
Reply Sent:
Give Fatal erro
Reply Sent:
The program is crashing due to insufficient memory. Please try running the code on your persnal machine.
Give error Segmentation fault
Reply Sent:
The program is crashing due to insufficient memory. Please try running the code on your personal machine.Close
code working ok. but, if we modify the program to receive the input from the console and then giving the result on the console then it will be a best coding practice
Reply Sent:
Thank you for your input. Using input() function will work only local installation of Scilab and not on Cloud.
undefined variable: imread
Reply Sent By Lavitha:
imread requires SIP toolbox which is not installed in the cloud server. We are working on this.
undefined variable: imread
Reply Sent By shamikam:
Code dependent on toolboxes does not work on the Cloud now. We are working on resolving this issue. Please execute the code on your system.
This code isnt generating output...Every ztransfer code in this book does not generate output
Reply Sent:
This code requires maxima tool box. For some reason function symsum does not work. We are yet to figure out a way around this.
wrong program
Reply Sent:
We executed the program and found no errors. Please give us more details.
File "/home/cfduser/scilab_cloud/scilab-scimax-2.1.4/loader.sce" does not exist.
Reply Sent:
a=roots(n) //a=breakaway points
disp(a,"breakaway points=")
for i=1:2
printf("if K is positive breakaway point lies on RL or else on CRL")
please tell how imread function works
Reply Sent:
imread function reads the image given in the path and converts into a matrix. In this example you need to have an image. Specify the path of the image file in the imread function.
how o ecg.dat type files in scilab
Reply Sent:
Please provide the details of the error.
Reply Sent:
Could you provide more details of the error, chapter and book name?
how to enter value of N
Reply Sent:
Edit the code. You will have remove the input function and provide the value of N directly on the cloud editor.
program cant execute always shown executing
Reply Sent:
We were able to execute it without any errors.
the code is not executing.
Reply Sent:
The code should be modified to:
syms s t;
disp(H,'Transfer Function is');
Reply Sent By Lavitha:
The error can be due to graphics on cloud server. Please execute the code on local system. It worked for me.
output is not right....
Reply Sent:
We got the output as below.
Observability Matrix=
1. 1.
- 2. - 2.
d =
matrix is singular, so system is unobservable.
I think code is incorrect pls correct it
Reply Sent:
Edit the code. To execute the code, provide values for marks directly rather than using input function.
Reply Sent:
It executed. Below is the result of execution.
Khat =
- 157.63362 - 35.373303 - 56.06524 - 36.746605 50.9684
K =
- 157.63362 - 35.373303 - 56.06524 - 36.746605
k1 =
- 50.9684
Reply Sent:
It executed. Please execute and try.
Reply Sent:
It executed without any error. This was the result of execution.
5. 7. 23. 45. 78.
Reply Sent:
It executed without any error. This was the result of execution.
H =
5.0080488 + 25.04s
2 3
5.008 + 25.1026s + 5.03247s + s
Reply Sent:
Please provide the details like name of the textbook, chapter and example number so that this issue can be checked.
Reply Sent:
It executed without any error.
Symbolic toolbox execution error.
Reply Sent By shamikam:
Scilab on Cloud does not support toolbox functions for now. Please execute the code on a local machine.
Reply Sent:
Please comment the commands set(gca(),"auto_clear","on") and set(gca(),"auto_clear","off") before executing the code.
14.2 from Malvino and Leach failed
Reply Sent:
Please execute this code:
v= 1.6;
i = (vdc-v)/r ;
disp('The diode current in mA is :');
Reply Sent:
Please provide the details on example number so that this issue can be checked.
Reply Sent:
Please provide the details of the error.
i need a explanation also with this examples
Reply Sent:
Please refer the textbook for explaination. The code gives only method of solving.
code is not executing.......it take too much time...and still no output
Reply Sent:
There was technical issue. Please check now.
Reply Sent:
Please provide the details of the error. The example worked fine when executed to check this bug.
Reply Sent By shamikam:
Scilab on Cloud does not support toolbox functions for now. Please execute the code on a local machine.
Please put all examples of Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering by H S Fogler , Chemical Dept.
Reply Sent:
Please comment the line using command exec and the code should work fine. The corrected code is given below: ftO=50 k=.0000000145*1000*60; kt=1.038; kb=1.39; alpha=0.000098; Po=40; w0=0;//clear// clc clear //exec("10.3data.sci"); w = 0:10:10000; function W=f(w,x) W =zeros(1,1); pt0=.3*Po; y=(1-alpha*w)^.5; ph=pt0*(1.5-x)*y; pt=pt0*(1-x)*y; pb=2*pt0*x*y; rt=-k*kt*ph*pt/(1+kb*pb+kt*pt); rate=-rt; W(1)=-rt/ftO; endfunction pt0=.3*Po; X=ode([0],w0,w,f); for i =1:length(X) y(1,i)=(1-alpha*w(1,i))^.5; ph(1,i)=pt0*(1.5-X(1,i))*y(1,i); pt(1,i)=pt0*(1-X(1,i))*y(1,i); pb(1,i)=2*pt0*X(1,i)*y(1,i); end m1 = X'; m2=y'; scf(1) plot2d(w',[m1 m2]); xtitle( 'Figure E10-3.1', 'w', 'x,y' ) ; legend(['x';'y']); scf(2) l1=ph' l2=pt' l3=pb' plot2d(w',[l1 l2 l3]); xtitle( 'Figure E10-3.2', 'w', 'ph,pt,pb' ) ; legend(['ph';'pt';'pb']);
Reply Sent:
You are most welcome! :)
Reply Sent:
It is displaying the output as "Strength of magnetic field in free space in A/m : 0.0106103". There is no output error.
Reply Sent:
Please provide the details of the error. The example worked fine when executed to check this bug.
Reply Sent:
The correct code should be as follows: clc; syms t s; x1=1-%e^t; X1=laplace(x1,t,s); X=integrate(X1,s,0,%inf) The limits of integration can be changed instead of 0 and infinity.
syms t s; doesnot execute why, on coud scilab or on scilab console
Reply Sent:
The correct code should be as follows: clear; syms t s x=1/(s+1) f1=ilt(x,s,t) disp(f1*'u(t)',"a) x(t)=") y=-1/(s+1) f2=ilt(y,s,t) disp(f2*'u(-t)',"b) x(t)=") z=s/(s^2+4) f3=ilt(z,s,t) disp(f3*'u(t)',"c) x(t)=") zz=(s+1)/((s+1)^2+4) f4=ilt(zz,s,t) disp(f4*'u(t)',"d) x(t)=") The reason for this error for inverse laplace transform command is version and/or platform (OS) mismatch.
Reply Sent:
There is no output error. Post your query in detail.
Reply Sent:
There is no output error. Post your query in detail.
Reply Sent:
It worked as expected.
Reply Sent By Lavitha:
The code should be modified to: clc; syms t s; x=2*%e^(-3*t)-%e^(-2*t); X=laplace(x,t,s)
Reply Sent:
Please provide the details of the error. The example worked fine when executed to check this bug.
not executing. Its taking a lot of time to execute the sample programs
Reply Sent:
Please provide the details of the error. The example worked fine when executed to check this bug.
Reply Sent:
The correct code should be as follows: clc; syms t s; x1=1-%e^t; X1=laplace(x1,t,s); X=integrate(X1,s,0,%inf) The limits of integration can be changed instead of 0 and infinity.
Hello, some programs are not executing, like syms, ilaplace commands r not running
Reply Sent:
Please replace the command ilaplace by "h=ilt(H,s,t)".
Reply Sent:
The corrected should be as follows: clc; syms t s; x=1+%e^(-3*t)-%e^(-t); X=laplace(x,t,s); H=1/((s+1)*(s^2+s+1)); Y=X*H; y=ilt(Y,s,t) Please note that the answer might not in readable form due to large numbers, however if the appropriate calculations are carried out then the answer displayed conforms with the actual answer with good approximation.
Reply Sent:
Please provide the details of the error. The example worked fine when executed to check this bug.
o/p is not comming
Reply Sent:
The corrected code should be as follows: clc; syms s t; I=(3*s+4)/(s^2+4*s); i=ilt(I,s,t); disp(i);
Reply Sent:
The corrected code should be as follows: clc; syms s t; F=1/((s^2)*(s+2)); f=ilt(F,s,t); disp(f);
Reply Sent:
The corrected code should be as follows: clc; syms s t; F=1/((s^2)*(s+2)); f=ilt(F,s,t); disp(f);
Reply Sent:
The corrected should be as follows: clc; syms t s; x=1+%e^(-3*t)-%e^(-t); X=laplace(x,t,s); H=1/((s+1)*(s^2+s+1)); Y=X*H; y=ilt(Y,s,t) Please note that the answer might not in readable form due to large numbers, however if the appropriate calculations are carried out then the answer displayed conforms with the actual answer with good approximation.
Reply Sent:
The corrected code should be as follows: clc; syms s t; F=1/((s^2)*(s+2)); f=ilt(F,s,t); disp(f);
not executing
Reply Sent:
Please provide the details of the error. The example worked fine when executed to check this bug.
Reply Sent:
The corrected code should be as follows: clc; syms s t; F=1/((s^2)*(s+2)); f=ilt(F,s,t); disp(f);
very fast response....keep it up
Reply Sent:
Please provide the details of the error. The example worked fine when executed to check this bug.
No output
Reply Sent:
Please provide the details of the error. The example worked fine when executed to check this bug.
is there any command for finding |t|
Reply Sent:
You can try the command abs(t), alternatively you can take a positive sqaure-root of (t^2) using the command sqrt.
is there any command for finding |t|
Reply Sent:
You can try the command abs(t), alternatively you can take a positive sqaure-root of (t^2) using the command sqrt.
Reply Sent:
The code should be modified to: clc; syms t s; x=2*%e^(-3*t)-%e^(-2*t); X=laplace(x,t,s)
Reply Sent:
Please provide the details of the error. The example worked fine when executed to check this bug.
Reply Sent:
You have to execute the code on the local machine. Change the path of the image filename to the path of the image file on the local machine.
Reply Sent:
This error is encountered as the variable 'f' (frequency) expects a value from user. The problem can be solved by commenting the line asking for input value of 'f' from user and assigning a fixed value (e.g. f = 1000) to the variable 'f'.
Examples selected from book arevnot
Reply Sent:
Please provide the details of the error. The example worked fine when executed to check this bug.
Examples selected from book arevnot
Reply Sent:
Please provide the details of the error. The example worked fine when executed to check this bug.
Reply Sent:
There are 2 bugs in this example and those can be resolved as follows: 1. The error is encountered as the variable 'n' (number of terms) expects a value from user. The problem can be solved by commenting the line asking for input value of 'n' from user and assigning a fixed value (e.g. n = 8) to the variable 'n'. 2. The function 'integ' used in the code should be changed to 'integration', i.e. ao=1/%pi*integrate(exp(-1*x),x,0,2*%pi); ai=1/%pi*integrate(exp(-x)*cos(i*x),x,0,2*%pi); bi=1/%pi*integrate(exp(-x)*sin(i*x),x,0,2*%pi); are the appropriate commands to be used.
Reply Sent:
Please provide the details of the error. The example worked fine when executed to check this bug.
Reply Sent By Lavitha:
syms requires Maxima toolbox. We will get it working soon on the Cloud server.
Reply Sent:
This issue arises due the copying of text from dependency files, while executing the code. The second user-defined function "series" should start from the next line of the code. Also, the second last line of the code using "simple" function should be commented/deleted since the function is not defined in this code.
not able to get the result
Reply Sent:
This is due to change in Scilab Version. I have looked into the code. Kindly remove "clear all" in the code and execute. It will work.
category: chemical engi. book name : 5.Elements of chemical reaction eng. By Fogler Examples are missing .. please put all examples with correct output. Thanks.
Reply Sent:
The codes are not available on cloud because of Scilab version issue. We are trying to fix it. Please download the code from http://scilab.in/Completed_Books. These codes need to be modified according to the version and can be used offline.
All examples under Arrays and Structures have an output error. Kindly look into the same and fix it.
Reply Sent:
This is due to change in Scilab Version. I have looked into the code. Kindly remove "clear all" in the code and execute. It will work. -Lavitha Pereira
Good work done !!!
Reply Sent:
Thanks a lot!
When I try any graphical output it takes a very long time or sometimes eternity to produce output. But this site: running w3scilab produces graphical output instantaneously.Is it some bug in your cloud?
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This is perhaps due to load on the server. I am not really the right person to answer this as I have no knowledge about this.
Commands like ilaplace,symsum does not work.
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These are commands related to symbolic toolbox. These are not supported by Scilab 5.4.1. Also, ilaplace is command for windows based version if I am not wrong, one can try using ilt on linux platform for finding inverse laplace transform (Scilab 5.3.3).
How to write own code and it takes too long time to execute any small pgm in image processing output is not coming properly and some errors too this we are trying with aakash tablet too
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This query is not clear. I assume pgm refers to program, we need more information about which kind of problems this issue is being faced.
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Please provide the details of the error. The example worked fine when executed to check this bug.
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Please provide the details of the error. The example worked fine when executed to check this bug.
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The function 'integ' used in the code should be changed to 'integration', i.e. wR=integrate(14.4*(sin(%pi/6*s))^2,s,0,6) is the appropriate command to be used.
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The function 'integ' used in the code should be changed to 'integration', i.e. wR=integrate(14.4*(sin(%pi/6*s))^2,s,0,6) is the appropriate command to be used.
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Please provide the details of the error. The example worked fine when executed to check this bug. This example takes long time (about 2 minutes) to execute due to the large number of data points.
could not execute
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Please provide the details of the error. The example worked fine when executed to check this bug.
Graph is not
Reply Sent By Lavitha:
Hi, size(x)=[10,1] size(n)=[1,10] size(w)=[1,501] Due to the inconsistency in the sizes, the matrices cannot be multiplied. Also, element wise multiplication operator (.) should be used. Change the value of K to 9 i.e. K=9 Change the following line X_W = x * exp(-sqrt(-1)*n'*w); to X_W = x* exp(-sqrt(-1).*n.*w) It should work now.
Noo output
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Please provide the details of the error. The example worked fine when executed to check this bug.
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Please provide the details of the error. The example worked fine when executed to check this bug.
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Please provide the details of the error. The example worked fine when executed to check this bug.
Reply Sent:
This error is encountered as the variables 'sigma_N', 'k' and 'M' expect input values from user. The problem can be solved by commenting the lines asking for input values from user and assigning fixed values as described in the comment at the end of the code.
The result is not appropriatre
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The actual code should be as follows: clear; clc; syms t s H1=laplace((%e^(-2*t)),t,s) H2=laplace((2*%e^(-t)),t,s) H=H1*H2 h=ilt(H,s,t); disp(h*'u(t)',"h(t)=") Even if the result is not in a user-friendly (readable) format, the answer computed is approximately equal to the actual answer (i.e. 2e^(-t) - 2e^(-2t) ).
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Give the arbitrary value for 'x' and execute the program.
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Please provide the details like name of the textbook, chapter and example number so that this issue can be checked.
Error 4
Reply Sent By Lavitha:
syms requires Maxima toolbox. We will get it working soon on the Cloud server.
in trying to execute the example //Example 3.4.1 Page 57 //Non-Linear Dynamics and Chaos, First Indian Edition Print 2007 //Steven H. Strogatz yields an error in the instruction set(gca(),"auto_clear","on") and aborts execution