Workshop Schedule - RVCE
Workshop Schedule
13th September, Monday
0900 - 1000: Inauguration: Prof. Kannan Moudgalya
* Introduction to the NME-ICT project
* The need for open source software
* Introduction to the textbook project (which will form the basis for the sprint sessions)
1000 - 1130: Hands on Introduction to Scilab: Aditya Sengupta
1140 - 1315: ODEs in Scilab: Prof. Kannan Moudgalya
1315 - 1400: Lunch
1400 - 1600: Lab Session (Problem solving)
1600 - 1700: Sprint Session
14th September, Tuesday
0900 - 1000: Demos: Aditya Sengupta
1000 - 1130: Use of Scilab to demonstrate concepts in linear algebra: Prof Madhu Belur
1145 - 1315: Polynomial Interpolation: Prof. Madhu Belur
1315 - 1400: Lunch
1400 - 1500: Lab Session (Problem solving)
1500 - 1700: Sprint Session
15th September, Wednesday
0900 - 1000: Test
1000 - 1130: Scilab Graphics: Manjusha Joshi
1145 - 1315: Numerical Analysis with Scilab: Manjusha Joshi
1315 - 1400: Lunch
1400 - 1500: Lab Session (Problem solving)
1500 - 1630: Sprint Session
1630 - 1700: Closing