Network Topolgy

Dear All

I wanted to ask whether Network Toplogy problems can be solved in Scilab...I mean the circuit having GRAPHS?

To be specific the tree,links,cut set matrix,tie set matrix methods for solving graphs in turn the circuits can be done..?

I am using scilab 5.3.2 with XP as OS.

Pl tell me if any extra softwares to download..

With sincere regards


Taxonomy upgrade extras: 


There is a module available namely Network Topology Generator (NTG)

Please check if u r looking for this..

Thanks for replying but I tried this one but it showed that 


Initially I was using 5.3.0 so I updated to 5.3.2 but also I didnt get....

Hi dhaivat

Yes.. I am also getting the below error while installing NTG. I got the same error while doing installation in both Scilab 5.2.2 and 5.3.1 version

 !--error 10000
atomsGetVersions: Wrong value for input argument #1: Must be a atoms package name.
at line      62 of function atomsGetVersions called by :  
at line      96 of function atomsDepTreeFlat called by :  
at line      80 of function atomsInstallList called by :  
at line     217 of function atomsInstall called by :  

Will post a query in Equalis forum and see if somebody can help on this..


The problem is corrected by Scilab Dev team.
Pls issue the below commands to install NTG module


After installing the module, go to help -> Network Topology Generator folder
to see details of this module.

