- Author: Prof. S.Pushpavanam
- Title: Mathematical Methods for Chemical Engineering
- Publisher:Printice-Hall of India
- Place:New Delhi
- Year: 2001
- Edition: 1st
| - Programmer of the book: Santosh Kumar, M.Tech, Chemical Engg., IIT Bombay
- College teacher: Prof. Sharad Bhartiya, Dept. of Chemical Engg., IIT Bombay
- Reviewer: Prof. S.Pushpavanam, Dept. of Chemical Engg., IIT Madras
- Expected date of Completion: 10.02.2011
- Completed Material: Ch2 Ch3 Ch4 Ch10
Anonymous (not verified)
Wed, 12/19/2012 - 16:21
download of Mathematical Methods4 Chem. Eng. by S. S.Pushpavanam
hello everyone.
how can I download this ebook here???!!! plz help me:-(