FOSSEE Summer Fellowship 2018 FOSSEE Scilab2C Toolbox Screening Round 1
Thank you for your interest in FOSSEE Toolbox project. We would like to assess your coding/testing skills. Please read the details mentioned below.
Phase 1 Assignment
Develop Scilab code examples and convert them into C code using the Scilab2C toolbox.
The user guide is available in /toolbox/Doc folder.
Each example should show the use of unique Scilab functions. Creating complex Scilab code and generating C code for the same Scilab code will score highly. Do remember, not all Scilab functions can be converted into equivalent C functions using the toolbox.
Software setup
- Install Ubuntu 14.04. We cannot provide technical support for the toolbox on any other OS. Please do not mail us asking if you can install any other OS- the answer is no.
- Install Scilab 5.5.0/5.5.2. The toolbox will not install on any other Scilab version.
- Install FOSSEE Scilab2C Toolbox-
Procedure to attempt Phase 1:
- Develop examples showing the use of unique Scilab functions. There is no upper limit to the number of examples you may submit. More number of unique examples will score higher than few number of similar examples for the same function. Each example code should be inside a separate .sce file. Example files should be named as example1.sce, example2.sce etc.
- Add comments in the code that explain what is being tested, what the input arguments are and if the example would generate any error. Lucid comments that provide information about the example code will score highly.
- Copy and paste the output in each example file for every function. You should include the output that is seen on the Scilab console. If the toolbox/Scilab crashes include that as a comment. If an error is seen, copy and paste the error. Developing examples that generate errors will earn brownie points. Also mention if your example generates plots, if any.
- Cite your references. On no account will plagiarism be tolerated. Such submissions will be rejected summarily.
- Create a README file for each function that has clear instructions about how to use the corresponding example codes that you write. The README file should also include the toolbox installation instructions and ofcourse a set of rich instructions that explains the content inside each of the submitted code. If the README file fails to provide all instructions in order to be able to use your submitted code, you will lose points.
Preparing for Code Submission:
- The examples developed for each function and its respective README should be kept together in a folder. For example, if you code 2 examples for a function “func”, create a folder named as “func”. Then put all examples that are related to “func”, inside this folder. Also put its respective README inside the “func” folder. Repeat the same for other functions. If you code examples for 5 functions you should have 5 folders. Each folder should be named after the function name. Each folder should contain its respective example files and README file.
- Zip the folders separately. For example, if you have 5 folders, you should have 5 respective zip files. Avoid 7zip, tar, rar etc. Use only Zip file format to compress a folder.