manas das's blog

How to set the "usecanvas" error in Scilab on Linux Ubuntu laptops...

The problem:
We sometimes use a system on which the graphics drivers cannot be used by Scilab. This happens for example on some Linux Ubuntu systems, especially on laptops.

The solution:
In order to avoid this, we can configure the .scilab startup file and turn off the canvas by typing: usecanvas(%f)
The problem is that turning the canvas off with the usecanvas function also displays the message.
In order to workaround this problem we may use the following trick:

Optimization In Scilab

This will give an overview of optimization features available in scilab.I focus on user's point of view that is we have to minimize and maximize an objective function and must find a solver suitable for the problem.This gives an overview of what problems can be solved by scilab and what behaviour can be expected for those solvers.I will be trying to minimize/maximize a given cost function f(x) with or without constraints.Scilab is able to deal with 4 types of problems:

i)Linear problems with linear constraints

ii)Quadratic problems with linear constraints