
This forum is to discuss on general topics in Scilab

error 144 in scilab

hi all, i am new to scilab.

i am getting an error wen i try to execute the following lines of code:

for example,


output is as follows:

-->exec('C:\Users\dell\Documents\1.6', -1)
!--error 144
Undefined operation for the given operands.
check or define function %s_m_c for overloading.
at line 2 of exec file called by :
exec('C:\Users\dell\Documents\1.6', -1)

plz help me out wid dis basic concept. it is showing a 144 error.

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scilab with web


In my code i need to send some input parameters to scilab, process it there and the result should return back to web.
For example if i want to find factorial of a number using scilab and result should display on button click , how will write code for that.

class file
        [DllImport(@"F:\scilab-5.4.1\bin\call_scilab.dll", EntryPoint = "StartScilab", ExactSpelling = false, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Scilab Starting error...

Hello,I am trying to start Scilab in Ubuntu but I am getting following error whenever I start Scilab on Scilab console....

 loading initial environment
                                !--error 241
File "@TOOLBOXDIR@/loader.sce" does not exist.
at line       2 of exec file called by :    
at line     156 of exec file called by :    


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multiple fit

Hi, I am using Scilab for first time. I have this data file (ep.txt). The first column is x followed by 5 y columns. I want to fit each column with y=a+b*(x-c)**2. Is it possible to do it simultaneously (to find a,b,c for all 5 y columns at a time) or should I try one y column at a time. In that case can anyone suggest me the command lines.
Thank you.

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Using fsolve to solve a system of non-linear equations

I need to solve a system of 8 non-linear equations.
I would like to do that without computing the Jacobian (which is very a large : 8x8 matrix).
I inputted the system of equations successfully in SCILAB but I don't know how to invoke the 'fsolve' function.
Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.
Sincere Thanks.

Here is the code :


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