Multistage Planning

Linear Programming: Multistage Planning Problem

Linear Programming: Multistage Planning Problem

Book: Applied Mathematical Programming
Author(s): Bradley, Hax and Magnanti
Publication: Addison-Wesley
Year: 1977
Chapter: 5

An automobile tire company has the ability to produce both nylon and fiberglass tires. During the next three months they have agreed to deliver tires as follows

DateNylon (No. of Tires)Fiberglass (No. of Tires)
June 3040001000
July 3180005000
August 3130005000

The company has two presses, a wheeling machine and a regal machine, and appropriate moulds that can be used to produce these tires, with the following production hours available in the upcoming months

MonthWheeling Machine (Hours)Regal Machine (Hours)

The production rates (hours per tire) for each machine and tire combination are as follows:

 Wheeling Machine (Hours/tire)Regal Machine (Hours/tire)

The variable costs of producing tires are $5.00 per operating hour, regardless of which machine is being used or which tire is being produced. There is also an inventory-carrying charge of $0.10 per tire per month. How should the production be scheduled in order to meet the delivery requirements at minimum costs? This problem constitutes 16 decision variables, 6 inequality and 6 equality linear constraints. The default termination criteria for linprog solver are kept unchanged for solving this problem.

Mathematical Formulation:

The following notations are too be followed

= Number of nylon tires to be produced on the Wheeling machine during month t

= Number of nylon tires to be produced on the Regal machine during month t

= Number of fiberglass tires to be produced on the Wheeling machine in month t

= Number of fiberglass tires to be produced on the Regal machine in month t

= Number of nylon tires put into inventory at the end of month t

= Number of fiberglass tires put into inventory at the end of month t.


Subject to

1. Capacity constraint (Production hours available)

2. Demand constraints

3. Non-negative constraint

nProducts = 2;
nMachines = 2;
nPeriods = 3;
Demand = [4000 1000;8000 5000; 3000 5000];
AvailMachineTime = [700 1500;300 400; 1000 300];
ProdRate = [0.15 0.16;0.12 0.14];
OperatingCost = 5; 
InventoryCost = 0.1;

nVar = nProducts*nMachines*nPeriods + (nPeriods-1)*nProducts; // Dimension of the problem is determined

// Linear equality constraints
// Demand constraints
nEqConstraints = nProducts*nPeriods
Aeq = zeros(nEqConstraints,nVar);
// Demand constraints for period 1
Aeq1 = zeros(nProducts,nVar);
for i = 1:nProducts
    index1 = (i-1)*nProducts+1:i*nProducts;
    Aeq1(i,index1) = 1;
    index2 = nMachines*nProducts+i;
    Aeq1(i,index2) = -1;
    beq1(i,1) = Demand(1,i);
// Demand constraints for period 2 to (nPeriods-1)th period
Aeq2 = zeros(nProducts,nVar);
for i = 2:nPeriods-1
    for j = 1:nProducts
        index3 = (i-1)*(nProducts*nMachines+nProducts)+(j-1)*nMachines+1:(i-1)*(nProducts*nMachines+nProducts)+(j-1)*nMachines+nMachines;
        Aeq2(j,index3) = 1; 
        index4 = (i-1)*(nProducts*nMachines+nProducts) - nProducts+j;
        Aeq2(j,index4) = 1;
        index5 = i*(nProducts*nMachines+nProducts)- nProducts+j
        Aeq2(j,index5) = -1;
        beq2(j,1) = Demand(i,j);

// Demand constraints for last period
Aeq3 = zeros(nProducts,nVar);
for i = 1:nProducts
    index6 = (nProducts*nMachines+nProducts)*(nPeriods-1)+(i-1)*nProducts+1:(nProducts*nMachines+nProducts)*(nPeriods-1)+i*nProducts
    Aeq3(i,index6) = 1;
    index7 = (nProducts*nMachines+nProducts)*(nPeriods-1) - nProducts+i;
    Aeq3(i,index7) = 1;
    beq3(i,1) = Demand(nPeriods,i);
Aeq = [Aeq1;Aeq2;Aeq3];
beq = [beq1;beq2;beq3];

// Linear inequality constraints
// Machine time constraints
for i = 1:nPeriods
    for j = 1:nProducts
        Cindex = (i-1)*(nProducts*nMachines+nProducts)+j:nProducts:(i-1)*(nProducts*nMachines+nProducts)+nMachines+j;
        Rindex = (i-1)*nProducts+j;
        A(Rindex,Cindex) = ProdRate(:,j)';
        b(Rindex,1) = AvailMachineTime(i,j);

// Objective function
TotalProductionCost = [];
for j = 1:nProducts
    TotalProductionCost = [TotalProductionCost ProdRate(j,:)*OperatingCost];

for i = 1:nPeriods
    index = (i-1)*(nProducts*nMachines+nProducts)+1:(i-1)*(nProducts*nMachines+nProducts)+nProducts*nMachines;
    nindex = length(index);
    cost(index,1) = TotalProductionCost';
    cost(index(nindex)+1:index(nindex)+nProducts,1) = InventoryCost;
cost(nVar+1:nVar+nProducts,1) = [];
lb = zeros(1,nVar);

[xopt,fopt,exitflag,output,lambda]=linprog(cost, A, b, Aeq, beq, lb,[]);

//Result representation

if exitflag == 0 then
    disp(" Optimal Solution Found")
    M = ["   "];
    for m = 1:nMachines
        M = [M strcat(["Machine",string(m)])];
    P = [];
    for p = 1:nProducts
        P = [P;strcat(["Product ",string(p)])];

    for i = 1:nPeriods
        Sol = [];
        for j = 1:nProducts
            Ind1 = (i-1)*(nProducts*nMachines + nProducts)+(j-1)*nProducts+1:(i-1)*(nProducts*nMachines + nProducts)+j*nProducts;
            Sol = [Sol;xopt(Ind1)']; 

        disp(strcat(["Production schedule for the Period ", string(i)]));
        disp([M; [P string(Sol)]]);

    for i = 1:nPeriods-1
        ind = i*(nProducts*nMachines+1:nProducts*nMachines+nProducts);
        inventory = xopt(ind);
        disp(strcat(["Inventory at the Period ", string(i)]));
        disp([P string(inventory)]);

    disp(["The optimal cost is ", string(fopt)])
elseif exitflag == 1 then
    disp("Primal Infeasible")
    disp("Error encountered")

Expected Output:

Optimal Solution. Optimal Solution Found Production schedule for the Period 1 ! Machine1 Machine2 !! !!Product 1 1866.6667 7633.3333 !! !!Product 2 3500 0 ! Production schedule for the Period 2 ! Machine1 Machine2 !! !!Product 1 0 2500 !! !!Product 2 2500 0 ! Production schedule for the Period 3 ! Machine1 Machine2 !! !!Product 1 2666.6667 333.33333 !! !!Product 2 5000 0 ! Inventory at the Period 1 !Product 1 5500 !! !!Product 2 2500 ! Inventory at the Period 2 !Product 1 0 !! !!Product 2 0 ! !The optimal cost is 19173.333 !