
Screening Task

Creation of Block Diagram using Xcos


Description of the Screening Task

  1. Install Scilab 6.0.2 or Scilab 5.5.2.
  2. Open Xcos.
  3. Prepare a block diagram using one (or more) of the specified blocks (given below). Blocks not in the list can also be additionally used in that block diagram. In particular, a Source Block may be required to give suitable input and a Sink Block may be required to view/store the output.
  4. Save the file as a .xcos file. Any other format is not accepted.
  5. (Optional) If a prerequisite Scilab file is required, please save this file as a .sci file. Any other format is not accepted.
  6. Test the diagram. You should see the appropriate output. The output will typically be in the form of a graph, though other output formats are also acceptable. 
  7. Save the output in an appropriate format. For graphical output, save it in a .png file.
  8. Prepare more such diagrams. It would be better if your other diagrams use other blocks from the specified list.


List of specified blocks


  4. DIFF_f
  6. DLSS
  7. GAIN_f
  8. INTRP2BLK_f
  10. MAXMIN
  11. PDE
  12. PNP
  14. VVsourceAC
  15. ZCROSS_f




  • Xcos diagrams prepared using Scilab 6.0.2 will not open in Scilab 5.5.2.
  • Diagrams containing different matrix related blocks will be counted as one submission. e.g. if one diagram contains MATMAGPHI and another one contains MATZCONJ, the diagrams will be counted as one submission (if other blocks from the list are not being used).


Technical Requirements

Knowledge of Xcos / Scilab



Refer to Spoken Tutorials on Xcos to start learning Xcos.


The following references may be useful for additional learning:

  1. Scilab / Xcos
  2. Youtube


Procedure to Submit

  1. Prepare a project directory in a .zip format which has the following:
    1. A separate directory per diagram (e.g. matriximg)
      1. In that directory, the .xcos file must be present. Use the same name as the directory. (e.g. matriximg.xcos)
      2. Any prerequisite .sci file may be present. Use the same name as the directory. (e.g. matriximg.sci)
      3. Any output file(s) may be present. Use the same name as the directory. Add numbers to the name. (e.g. matriximg-1.pdf and matriximg-2.png)
      4. Any additional resources.
    2. If a diagram depends on another diagram, please create a README file and mention this dependency. e.g., when the output workspace of one diagram is used as input of another one.
  1. Submit the .zip file in the submission portal.


Evaluation Criteria

The completed Xcos Diagrams with suitable output will be evaluated on


  1. The number of blocks used from the specified list in the block diagrams.
  2. The number of block diagrams involving the specified blocks.
  3. If a block from the specified list has fewer completed submissions across all candidates, your block diagram containing that block will be given more preference.
  4. If your block diagram has been copied in another submission, both the diagrams will be rejected.
  5. If plagiarism is detected, the block diagram will be rejected.